19 of July of the 2019
Central America, Costa Rica
Hotel Real Intercontinental San Jose
Free of charge

The Future of Central America: Challenges for Sustainable Development


For several decades the countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic (hereinafter Central America) have followed a policy of opening markets and promoting investments with the purpose of expanding their economies. This policy was developed in an environment where other countries also opened their borders to trade and investment, however, after the financial crisis at the end of the last decade, the protectionist discourse has been increasing in some of the largest economies in the world. planet.

Against this background, it is necessary to reflect on the different alternatives that the region can follow and the complementary policies that should be developed in order to achieve sustainable development. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) of INCAE Business School have joined forces to create a frame of reference that allows these reflections based on evidence and thus seek to take decisions consistent with reality.

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