COVID-19: INCAE Information and Resource Center

Like everyone, INCAE is rapidly adapting to the unprecedented situation of COVID-19 and its impact on the region and the world. Through this website we want to keep you informed about our internal measures and the latest articles, webinars and podcasts from INCAE regarding the effects of this pandemic that affects Latin America and the entire world. Do not hesitate to contact us here if you have any suggestions on how we can collaborate to help the region deal with this crisis.

They take great care of themselves.


Enrique Bolanos,
Rector of INCAE Business School

Recent Posts

Corruption and COVID-19: opacity is a health risk

By Jaime Garcia, Senior Researcher and Director of IPS Projects, CLACDS / INCAE

Recently the organization International Transparency published the update of its global indicator on the state of corruption in the world (ICP); an index that classifies 180 countries and territories according to the perception of experts and businessmen, and that ranges from 0 to 100 points, where 0 is high corruption and 100 is low corruption. This year the countries with the highest scores are Denmark, New Zealand, Finland, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland; while the countries with the highest levels of corruption are Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Somalia and South Sudan. 

The slope of January in 2021

By Jaime Garcia, Senior Researcher and Director of IPS Projects, CLACDS / INCAE

Typically the "January slope" is a term used to refer to that time of the year in which the expenses incurred during the end of the year holidays suffer along with the price increases, rates, and starting rates of each year and that affect people's purchasing power. But in 2021 this slope may have other implications as well, especially if we consider that we come from a 2020 year affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its respective economic and social impacts.


Key aspects of employability. The versatility of your career projection

24 for September, 2020

Know what the job market demands and in which areas you should prepare yourself according to the ideal position you want.

Panelists: Rodrigo Monroy - Manager of Career Services

Management challenges in times of crisis

22 for September, 2020

As a manager, are you prepared to take on the challenges that come in times of crisis? Furthermore, have you prepared your team for these moments?

Decision-making in times of crisis is fundamental for the company, a manager must be alert, define priorities and turn challenges into opportunities. The decisions to be made also involve all areas and processes of the company, so training leaders within companies is of great relevance so that other employees understand the situation and adapt to the "new" business situation.

Learn more about the subject in this Webinar, where Professor Eduardo Luis Montiel, Academic Director of our Executive Master in Management, will talk to us about the responsibility that as a manager you have to train yourself and your collaborators to respond to new challenges.

In addition, you will be able to know first-hand the experience of two graduates of our Executive Master in Management, Andrés Barrios, General Manager of the Hotel Nicté de Nicaragua and Emma Aragón, Financial Manager of Inkia Nicaragua, SA, who from their reality will tell how they assumed moments of crisis and what were the results.


Gabriela lucke

La Director of the Center for Collaborative and Women's Leadership of INCAE, appreciates the great work of the women who are supporting the crisis and the entrepreneurs, and invites you to listen to the recommendations and testimonials of LEADS Mujer by Mastercard participants, who have different techniques to face this world situation. In addition, he recommends that you review this Website where you will also find advice, reports and research.

Wendy Graciela Henríquez de Díaz, participant of LEADS Mujer by Mastercard

Monte Cristo Vial
Giro de Empresa: specialized solutions for road construction on rigid and flexible foundations and pavements

Ginna Hidalgo, LEADS Woman by Mastercard Participant

Happy pop
Gourmet popcorn