How to support - Donate to INCAE | INCAE

How to support INCAE?

"INCAE has been an engine of economic development and leadership in the region. In many ways, INCAE has become a school with a greater impact for the Latin American region than Harvard has been in the United States." Dr. Nitin Nohria Dean HBS Today you have the opportunity to be part of our mission to generate the change that the region needs, today more than ever.  

You can use your contribution to create scholarships to train more leaders regardless of their financial situation; the remodeling of spaces that respond to the needs of the students on the two campuses; research on priority issues for the region; creating impact; and the INCAE Fund.

Where will you see your support reflected?


You can give more young people the opportunity to become the committed and responsible leaders that Latin America increasingly requires. Now more than ever, low family income and high financing interest rates make it difficult for candidates to commit to the financial burden of earning an MBA despite being accepted into this leading school in Latin America. 

Research and Impact

INCAE's mission is to be an institution that actively promotes the integral development of the countries where it serves.

The Academic and Research Centers of INCAE contribute to the achievement of this mission, by studying aspects of high relevance for the business community and by formulating proposals for the sustainable development of Latin American countries.


It is vital to keep the campuses in the best conditions to provide the best learning and leisure environment for the hundreds of students and executives who participate in the different programs that INCAE offers every year. To stay ahead of the current needs of our students, we must invest in both INCAE campuses.

Annual Fund

The INCAE Fund is used to support the different needs and most pressing projects that guarantee the development and fulfillment of our mission. These contributions play a crucial role in our ability to research, teach, and lead, and enable us to advance our mission both as a business school and as a center of thought and impact.

Results thanks to donations

Do you want to know what is invested in thanks to the donations of all those who support us to contribute to the development of the region?